
ExactMark 100bp DNA Ladder, Ready-To-Use

Product Series: BIO-5130
Used for sizing and approximate quantification of wide range double-stranded DNA on agarose gel. The ladder is composed of eleven individual DNA fragments (in base pairs): 1500, 1000, 900, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200 and 100. It contains two reference bands of 1500 and 500bp for easy orientation. Orange G and xylene cyanol FF are used as tracking dyes.

Storage Buffer

10mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0)

Protocol for Loading

    • Load 5µl of the solution into a 5mm agarose gel lane.
    • It is recommended to load 1μl (0.1μg) of DNA ladder per 1mm of gel lane.


    • Do not heat solution prior to loading.
    • Adjust sample concentration to be approximately equal to the amount of DNA in the nearest band of the ladder for quantification purpose.
    • Visualize DNA by staining with DNA stain (C/No: BIO-5170-1ml).

ExactMark 1kb DNA Ladder, Ready-To-Use

Product Series: BIO-5140

Used for sizing and approximate quantification of wide range double-stranded DNA on agarose gel. The ladder is composed of thirteen individual DNA fragments (in base pairs): 10000, 8000, 6000, 5000, 4000, 3000, 2500, 2000, 1500, 1000, 750, 500, and 250. It contains three reference bands of, 3000 and 1000bp for easy orientation. Bromophenol blue is used as tracking dye.

Storage Buffer

10mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0)

Protocol for Loading

    • Load 5µl of the solution into a 5mm agarose gel lane.
    • It is recommended to load 1μl (0.1μg) of DNA ladder per 1mm of gel lane.


    • Do not heat solution prior to loading.
    • Adjust sample concentration to be approximately equal to the amount of DNA in the nearest band of the ladder for quantification purpose.

Interested to try it out?

Description No of Applications Product No. Protocol MSDS
ExactMark 100bp DNA Ladder, Ready-To-Use, 50ug ~100 applications BIO-5130-50ug
ExactMark 100bp DNA Ladder, Ready-To-Use, 100ug ~200 applications BIO-5130-100ug
ExactMark 1kb DNA Ladder, Ready-To-Use, 50ug ~100 applications BIO-5140-50ug
ExactMark 1kb DNA Ladder, Ready-To-Use, 100ug ~200 applications BIO-5140-100ug
ExactMark 1kb DNA Ladder, Ready-To-Use, 250ug ~500 applications BIO-5140-250ug
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Product Description Grade Packaging Product No Product Specification Sheet Safety Data Sheet
Agarose Biotechnology Grade 100g BIO-1000-100g
500g BIO-1000-500g
1kg BIO-1000-1kg
Water DEPC treated Biotechnology Grade 200ml BUF-1170-200ml
1L BUF-1170-1L
Water Biotechnology Grade 100ml BUF-1180-100ml
500ml BUF-1180-500ml
1L BUF-1180-1L
1X Tris-Acetate-EDTA (TAE) Buffer pH 8.0 Ultra Pure Grade 1L BUF-3000-1X1L
10X Tris-Acetate-EDTA (TAE) Buffer pH 8.0 Ultra Pure Grade 1L BUF-3000-10X1L
4L BUF-3000-10X4L
50X Tris-Acetate-EDTA (TAE) Buffer pH 8.0 Ultra Pure Grade 1L BUF-3000-50X1L
4L BUF-3000-50X4L
10X Tris-Acetate-EDTA (TAE) Buffer pH 7.8 Ultra Pure Grade 1L BUF-3001-10X1L
10X Tris-Acetate-EDTA (TAE) Buffer Premixed Powder Ultra Pure Grade 1L BUF-3002-10X1L
1X Tris-Acetate-EDTA (TAE) Buffer pH 8.0 Biotechnology Grade 1L BUF-3003-1X1L
10X Tris-Acetate-EDTA (TAE) Buffer pH 8.0 Biotechnology Grade 100ml BUF-3003-10X100ml
1L BUF-3003-10X1L
10X Tris-Acetate-EDTA (TAE) Buffer Premixed Powder (Sachet) Ultra Pure Grade 1L BUF-3009-10X1L
1X Tris-Borate-EDTA (TBE) Buffer pH 8.3 Ultra Pure Grade 1L BUF-3010-1X1L
10X Tris-Borate-EDTA (TBE) Buffer pH 8.3 Ultra Pure Grade 1L BUF-3010-10X1L
4L BUF-3010-10X4L
10X Tris-Borate-EDTA (TBE) Buffer Premixed Powder Ultra Pure Grade 1L BUF-3011-10X1L
10X Tris-Borate-EDTA (TBE) Buffer pH 8.3 Biotechnology Grade 100ml BUF-3013-10X100ml
500ml BUF-3013-10X500ml
1L BUF-3013-10X1L
10X Tris-Borate-EDTA (TBE) Buffer Premixed Powder (Sachet) Ultra Pure Grade 1L BUF-3019-10X1L
1X Tris-EDTA (TE) Buffer pH8.0 Ultra Pure Grade 1L BUF-3020-1X1L
10X Tris-EDTA (TE) Buffer pH 8.0 Ultra Pure Grade 1L BUF-3020-10X1L
4L BUF-3020-10X4L
1X Tris-EDTA (TE) Buffer with reduced EDTA pH 8.0 Ultra Pure Grade 1L BUF-3021-1X1L
10X Tris-EDTA (TE) Buffer with reduced EDTA pH 8.0 Ultra Pure Grade 1L BUF-3021-10X1L
1X Tris-EDTA (TE) Buffer pH 8.0 Biotechnology Grade 100ml BUF-3024-1X100ml
500ml BUF-3024-1X500ml
0.1M EDTA Solution pH 7.4 Ultra Pure Grade 500ml BUF-1051-500ml-pH7.4
1L BUF-1051-1L-pH7.4
0.1M EDTA Solution pH 8.0 Ultra Pure Grade 500ml BUF-1051-500ml-pH8.0
1L BUF-1051-1L-pH8.0
0.5M EDTA Solution pH 8.0 Ultra Pure Grade 500ml BUF-1052-500ml-pH8.0
1L BUF-1052-1L-pH8.0
0.5M EDTA Solution pH 8.0 Biotechnology Grade 100ml BUF-1053-100ml-pH8.0
1L BUF-1053-1L-pH8.0
5.0M Sodium Chloride Solution Biotechnology Grade 500ml BUF-1112-500ml
1L BUF-1112-1L
1X SSC Buffer Biotechnology Grade 1L BUF-3050-1X1L
20X SSC Buffer Biotechnology Grade 1L BUF-3050-20X1L
20X SSC Buffer Ultra Pure Grade 1L BUF-3051-20X1L
1X SSPE Buffer Biotechnology Grade 1L BUF-3060-1X1L
20X SSPE Buffer Biotechnology Grade 1L BUF-3060-20X1L
Sterile Deionized Water Biotechnology Grade 1L BUF-4100-1L